History of Kashmiri Literature
Who can deny the beauty of Kashmir? It is a heaven on the earth and this heaven is surrounded by beautiful Himalayan mountains, and on those mountains are homes of Rishis who meditated day and night for the welfare of the humanity. Such a rishi (Rishi Kashyap) was there who meditated on the mountain of Kashmir. Thus Kashmir is not only beautiful but also a sacred place.
• Rishi Kashyap conducted studies in order to draw wisdom from that heaven.
• The other saint, Shankaracharya travelled to Kashmir from Kerala. He lacked an aircraft. From Kerala to Kashmir, he travelled on foot only to study the theories that could only be found in Kashmir, paradise, and engaged in meditation.
• The brightest minds from all across India used to travel to Kashmir to become Pandits (experts in their streams) by specializing in their fields, just as individuals from different parts of India pursue higher education outside.
• Abinav Gupta and Utpaldev studied philosophy. Yogarish Gastronomy, Charak and Yambhat Ayurveda. Sushruta studied Medical science, Kalidas Sanskrit literature, and several others like Vishnu Sharma wrote Panchatantra.
• Natya shastra that is also called the 5th Veda was written by Bharath Muni in Kashmir itself.
• Lalleshwari's Vakh was also written in Kashmir.Thus Kashmir became the seat of quality.
"Gar Bar-ru-e-zamin zannat ast; Hamin ast, Hamin ast Hamin ast"
(If there is paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here)
The above famous Persian phrase by Amir Khusro has perfectly justified this place's beauty. Kashmir, as an abode of folklore literature, may be unmatched in the world in terms of fertility. Because of its rich cultural history, Kashmir is believed to have a rich folklore. That's why Greeks said, "Kashmir is the cradle of civilization".
• Folk writing has always adapted to the social, political, and economic shifts taking place in its immediate environment.
• Folk literature has constantly changed to reflect changes in its immediate social, political, and economic context.
• The rich folklore of Kashmir, according to James Hinton Knowles, is the reason that "this literature remained unsurpassed in other countries of the world."
• Folktales from Kashmir skillfully convey the region's political, cultural, and social realities.
• Kashmiri literature and folklore are unquestionably the oldest in the world. Some of its most instructive, dependable, and entertaining components are poetry (Luki Shire), opera (Luki Peathir), oral storytelling (Luki Daleel), riddles (Luki Praitchi), proverbs (Luki Kathi), and children's books (Luki Adb).
• This literature has managed to preserve the historical background, behavioural qualities, and overall personality of the Kashmiri people.
• This background made Kalhana's Rajtarangni widely acknowledged as an authentic and trustworthy primary source.
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