Role and Significance of English Language in National Education Policy 2020
Prof.(Dr) Asghar Ali Ansari
School of Language, Literature and Society
Jaipur National University, Jaipur.
Now a days National Education Policy 2020 is a much discussed topic among the university scholars but most of the laymen are unaware of the National Education Policy. To cover everything of NEP2020 in a blog is not possible so in this blog we are going to discuss only the role and significance of English Language in NEP2020 and also the myth and reality about English language spread in our society.
The National Policy of India 2020 clearly declares that:
“English is a language; it is not a test of your intelligence” (NEP2020).
The above declaration of NEP2020 shows how our leaders are treating English. The NEP2020 considers English only an international language which everyone should learn for the convenience in life, not the basis of intelligence. Even the person who knows only regional or national language can be intelligent.
National Education Policy 2020 was approved by the Union Cabinet on 29th July 2020.
It outlines the visions of education in India.
It replaces the Education Policy of 1986.
It is a guideline of education in India.
It aims to reform India’s education system by 2040
Medium of Instruction:
The NEP2020 has advocated that “Where ever possible, the medium of instruction until at least Grades 5, but preferably till Grade 8 and beyond, will be the home language/ mother tongue/ local language/ regional language” for public and private school.
Emphasis on Three Language System:
At least two of the three languages should be native
But it should not be imposed on the students.
Role and significance of English Language:
Has global importance.
Link language.
Job oriented language.
Language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy
Many books , papers and journals are in English only
Language of internet.
Language of media and aviation industries.
Steps of Education Ministry is worth appreciating:
The Education Ministry has set up a committee for promotion and growth of Indian Languages. The NEP believes that children learn better in their home language while English is favoured in labour market.
It is contradictory believe
Only oblivion.
Myth of English language:
We are destroying our mother tongue for the obsession of English.
We are learning English at the cost of our own languages. Obsession with English Language.
We all are killing off or at least neglecting our mother tongue by our obsession with English.
It is a means of destroying one’s community.
With the loss of language, a community loses its culture.
Loss of culture means loss of a community.
NEP2020 is a boon for Indians:
Savour of our mother tongue.
Mother tongues lead to better understanding of what is taught
UNESCO notes that being educated in a familiar language “facilitates an understanding of sound-symbol or meaning-symbol correspondence”. Mother tongues make easy to learn a New Language:
Many Pedagogical studies show that after acquiring basic literacy and communication skills in mother tongue, it becomes much easier to transform these skills to learn new language.
The Realty:
The reality has other face.
Since English is favored in market, we are bound to learn English.
Without English we cannot survive in this competitive world
4Keeping this in mind NEP has only given suggestion, has not banned English. This is appreciable.