MBA (Dual Specialization)

MBA - Dual

School of Business & Management

  • Duration

    2 Years

  • Eligibility

    Graduation in any stream

    with valid score in all India level aptitude test like MAT/CAT/CMAT/XAT/CET

  • Selection Procedure

    Entrance Test + PI

Program Outcomes

Business Environment and Domain Knowledge (BEDK)

Apply management principles to solve real-world business problems.

Problem Solving & Innovation

Provide innovative solutions to complex business issues using quantitative and qualitative tools.

Critical Thinking

Investigate business problems to make data-driven decisions.

Effective Communication

Communicate effectively across cultures and in digital environments.

Global Orientation and Cross-Cultural Appreciation

Address business issues with a global perspective.


Identify opportunities to lead, manage, and grow startups or family businesses.

Environment and Sustainability

Demonstrate knowledge of sustainable development and assess managerial impacts on society and the environment.

Interdisciplinary Proficiency

Integrate knowledge from various disciplines to address business issues ethically and holistically.

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Career Paths

Management Consultant

Finance and Banking Expert

Marketing and Sales Executive

Human Resources (HR) Specialist


IT and Business Analyst

Corporate Strategist

Supply Chain and Logistics Manager


Course Category Course Title Credits
Core Management Accounting 3
Core Business Statistics and Analytics 3
Core Managerial Economics 3
Core Marketing Management-I 3
Core Organizational Behavior & Design 3
Core Business Communication 3
Core Industrial Project/ Industrial Visit-I 2
DSE Principles and Practices of Management 3
DSE Information Technology in Management 3
SEC Sustainable Development 2
Total 25

Note: 1. Student will opt only one DSE course(Out of two DSE courses offered) in First semester

Course Category Course Title Credits
Core Human Resource Management 3
Core Corporate Finance 3
Core Marketing Management-II 3
Core Operations & Production Management 3
Core Research Methodology 3
Core Macro Economics 3
Core Industrial Project/ Industrial Visit-II 2
DSE Enterprise System Management 3
DSE Data Communication and Networking 3
SEC 2 Project Management 2
VAC Managing Stress at Workplace 2
Total 25

1. Student will opt only one DSE course(Out of two DSE courses offered) in second semester

2. Credit assigned to the VAC course will not be considered for the credits.Required for completion of the program

3. Entry/Exit: Student would be eligible for the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management(PGDM) after completion of two semsters with 50 credits and having completed a Bachelor'S Degree

Course Category Course Title Credits
Core Strategic Management 3
Core Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Incubation 3
Core Industrial Project III/ Comprehensive Specialization Viva 4
DSE(Marketing) Sales And Distribution Management 3
DSE(Marketing) Marketing of Services 3
DSE(Marketing) International Marketing 3
DSE(HR) Human Resource Planning 3
DSE(HR) Human Resource Development System & Strategies 3
DSE 3 (HR) Industrial Relations 3
DSE(Finance) Financial Restructuring 3
DSE(Finance) Security Analysisand Portfolio Management 3
DSE(Finance) Management of Financial Services & Institutions 3
SEC 3 Selling & Negotiation Skills 2
Total 39


1. Six DSE Courses to be opted for two specializations from Marketing/HR/Finance

Course Category Course Title Credits
Core Social Entrepreneurship 3
Core Indian Ethos and Business Values 3
Core Industrial Project IV/ Comprehensive Specialization Viva 4
DSE (Marketing) Advertising & Brand Management 3
DSE (Marketing) Customer Relationship Management 3
DSE (Marketing) Retail Management 3
DSE (HR) International Human Resource Management 3
DSE (HR) Strategic Compensation Management 3
DSE (HR) Performance Management 3
DSE (Finance) Financial Derivatives 3
DSE (Finance) International Financial Management 3
DSE (Finance) Corporate Tax Management 3
SEC 4 E-Business 2
Total 30


1. Six DSE Courses to be opted for two specializations from Marketing/HR/Finance

Tuition Fee


Note *Lab & Library fee will be charged separately
#Program Proposed from Session 2024-25


As per University norms

Write to us to check for your eligibility

Internship Opportunities


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Frequently Asked Questions

The MBA Dual Specialization program enables students to specialize in two fields simultaneously, enhancing their skill set and providing greater career flexibility.

Popular combinations offered are Marketing and Finance, Human Resources and Finance, and Marketing and Human Resources.

Yes, students have the opportunity to switch specializations until the end of the second semester.

Yes, internships are typically required in the dual specialization program, providing students with practical experience in both areas of specialization.

The internship is usually mandatory in III semester but for more practical exposure the students are encouraged to take winter internships during their IV semester.

Jaipur National University offers Pre-placement training, Mock interviews and group discussions, Personality development workshops, Alumni networking.

Yes, the university has an entrepreneurship, Innovation and Incubation cell that provides support to students interested in starting their own ventures.

Yes, Jaipur National University has numerous clubs like Abhivyakti Club, Young Reader Club, Incubation and Innovation Cell and many more related to music, dance, drama, entrepreneurship, and more. Various cultural and technical events are organized throughout the year.

Selection process starts with shortlisting applicants based on entrance exam scores and graduation percentage after that Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) rounds held than final selection based on overall performance (entrance test, GD/PI, and academic background).

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