Violation of the rules relating to discipline in the University includes the following categories of conduct by students
  • Disruption of teaching, class test/examination, research or administrative work, curricular and extra-curricular activities or residential life at the campus, including an attempt to prevent/impede any officer, teacher or staff of the University from performing his or her duties; and any act that causes such a disruption.
  • Damaging or defacing University property or the property of any officer, teacher or staff of the University at the University campus or outside.
  • Engaging in any act of wrongful conduct of teachers, officers, employees and students of the University or creating a nuisance inside the premises of the University.
  • Eve-teasing or disrespectful behavior with female teachers, staff and students of the University.
  • Assault on or intimidation of a teacher, officer, employee and student or any other person inside or outside the premises of the University.
  • Ragging is a grave violation of the personal dignity of the victim.
  • Use of abusive, intimidating or derogatory slogans or language or incitement of hatred and violence or any such act as an offense.
  • Organization of or participation in Strikes, Picketing, Gheraos and Dharnas for whatsoever reason.
  • Furnishing false certificate information to the University.
  • Committing forgery, tampering with or misuse of the signatures of the University authorities, use of University letterheads, documents or records, identification cards, etc., without permission of the University.
  • Using any Unfair Means or showing disorderly conduct during or in relation to any University examination.
  • Causing, encouraging or colluding in unauthorized entry of a person on the Campus or having unauthorized occupation at the University premises, including hostels or residences.
  • Possession or consumption of alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or other intoxicants in the University premises and smoking in the University premises.
  • Indulgence in gambling at the University campus. Possessing or using weapons such as knives, lathis, iron chains, iron rods, sticks, explosives and firearms on the University premises.
  • Arousing communal, caste or regional feelings or creating disharmony among fellow students.
  • Tearing of pages, defacing, burning, destroying or stealing of books or other documents, reading materials or misusing, burning, destroying or stealing laboratory equipments or materials.
  • Getting enrolled concurrently in more than one Programme of Study, except where approved.
  • Failing to disclose the identity when asked to do so by an employee or officer of the University.
  • Unauthorized acquisition or use of University furniture in the hostel room or elsewhere.
  • Unauthorized occupation of the hostel room.
  • Accommodating guests or other persons in hostels without permission of the hostel authorities.
  • Improper rendering of adjustments against advances drawn from the University.
  • Any act of moral turpitude.
  • Any offense under law of the land.
  • Improper behavior at the University premises or during study tours or excursions.
  • Pasting of objectionable posters or distributing pamphlets, handbills, etc. or writing or painting graffiti on walls and disfiguring the University buildings.
  • Use of cell phones in the classrooms/examinations, and other academic activities.
  • Failure to wear uniform/decent attire.
  • Use of undue political and other influences on teachers and functionaries of the University for favors.
  • Any other activities detrimental to the peaceful and orderly functioning of the University.

Punishment for the misconduct shall include the following

  • Expulsion from the University.
  • Warning
  • Fine.
  • Police action.
  • Apology
  • Withdrawal of hostel facility
  • Compensation for the damage(s) caused.
  • Suspension from the University for a specified period.
  • Suspension from appearing in a specified paper / examination.
Violations The First Offense Multiple Offenses
Nos. 1 to 6, 8 to 10 and 25 Expulsion from the University, Police Action, if required. Expulsion
Nos. 7;1;13 and 15 Rustication for a specified period. Expulsion
Nos. 12 ,14, 16, 17 and 27 Suspension from the University for a specified period & recovery of damages (double of the replacement value). Expulsion
No. 18 De-enrollment and re-admission, on the production of the evidence of withdrawal from the other programmes of Study. Expulsion
Nos. 19 and 20 Fine of Rs. 300/- Fine of Rs.500/-
Nos. 21 and 22 Expulsion from the hostel. Expulsion from the University
No. 23 Fine of the double the amount, or Rs. 1000/- whichever is higher, coupled with withdrawal from project, if any. Police action
No. 24 Depending on the nature of offense. Depending on the nature of offense, punishment(s) as prescribed above.
Nos. 26 and 28 Depending on the gravity of the act, ranging from a Fine of Rs. 200/- to suspension from the class or both. Suspension from the class for a longer period. Suspension from taking exam. of a paper, or from the entire examination.

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