Workshop on Data Science Using Python

Mar 12, 2021

Department of computer science organized Workshop on Data Science Using Python. Mr. Pradeep Singh Shekhawat talked about the importance & role of data in current scenario with AI & ML and how python is useful in several flavors like with Deep learning, GUI design, IOT. He also briefed about that the python basic programming techniques with anaconda and Jupiter notebook along with the use of data science in real world. He covered logistic & linear regression & implementation in anaconda. He described that how pyhton is differ from other languages. In the last, he explained that how we can do analysis of data from the given data sets. Students were able to implement the analysis on sampled data and generated a graph of crimes in the city. They were also able to draw a histogram and other kind of graphs also so that on that basis any one can guess about the crimes. For this prediction and analysis, police criminal data sets were already available with them as a sample data.

Workshop on Data Science Using Python
Workshop on Data Science Using Python
Workshop on Data Science Using Python

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