Jaipur National University is announcing the mega platform to the aspiring graduate students of the nation to showcase their academic potential and win mega exciting prizes, certificates and scholarships upto 100%. The JNU-JEST score will help a student to fulfill their dreams of study abroad.

JNU Entrance Cum Scholarship Test (JEST)

Scholarships and Rewards

Upto 100% Scholarships for Undergraduate Programmes.

Exam Mode

The exam will be computer based online test, all candidates should have good internet connection & a Computer/Laptop or Smartphone. Candidate can appear in the exam from their home or they can visit the nearest cyber cafe.


Class 12th appearing/passed students.

JNU-JEST Registration Process – How to Apply?

The registration form will be filled through online mode. Candidates can apply by visiting  www.jnujaipur.ac.in and follow the necessary steps to apply online. The steps for registration are shown below:

Start Registration > Enter Personal Details > Educational Details > Upload Documents > Submit

Candidates can apply online from here: https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/jest-2025

Exam Pattern

The Test will be comprises of 75 questions divided into four sections as follows:

S.No Sections Name of subject No of Questions Total Time
1 Section A Quantitative Aptitude/Reasoning 10 1 hr
2 Section B Current Affairs 10
3 Section C English 10
4 Section D Subject related questions(Science, Arts and Commerce) 45

Note: Each question carries one mark with negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer.




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