Induction Program

Aug 23, 2022

induction program

Overall Coordinator: Dr. Ajeet Kumar Singh

The induction program for the fresh batch of students joining the Department of HMCT was organized in the month of August 2022 with a packed three day long schedule. The program was designed to take through the fresh students over a typical life at the department, various courses offered at the department, various student activities both academic as well as extra-curricular and how the students are groomed over the next coming years into a complete holistic professional, equipped with all the necessary skills required by the best of the industry. The aim of induction programme is to help the students who come from diverse backgrounds to adjust to the new environment and inculcate in them the ethos of the institution. The three days long induction programme’s objective is to set a healthy routine, create bonding among the students as well as between the faculty and the students. In a way, this period will be used to break the ice and to give a right start to the program.

DAY – 1: Date: 23/08/2022: The Day 1 commenced with the formal welcoming of the fresher’s with their respective parents/guardians in Central Lawns, JNU Main Campus. During the session the students were explained in detail about the University infrastructure, laboratories, department library, student associations, curricular and extracurricular activities, clubs, and their importance in a student’s life. The Chief Patron of the event was Hon’ble Chancellor Sir and Chief Guest was Shahid Khan (Technology Enthusiast, Digital Marketing Geek & A Successful Entrepreneur). In addition, Cheques were also distributed by the Chief Guest to the students of different courses to honor them for securing top positions in the University Examinations. After that motivational Guest Lecture was given by Bramha kumari’s.

DAY – 2: Date: 26/08/2022: The Day 2 commenced with the Interaction with seniors Toppers and General Rules and Regulations about the University were discussed with students. Then the Ice Breaking fun activity was conducted to help members of a group begin the process of forming themselves into a team. Icebreakers are commonly presented as a game to "warm up" the group by helping the members to get to know each other. After that Guest Lecture: Panel discussion by was done by Industry Guests Mr. Rishabh Singh Bundela (Hotel Taj Rambagh , Jaipur), Mr. Nitin Sharma (Marriot, Jaipur) and Ms. Shivani (IT Appcino).

DAY – 3: Date: 26/08/2022: The session on “Grooming & Professional Etiquettes” was taken. After that Management Games & Fun Activites session was conducted for the students. Then Guest Lecture was given by Girish Kant (GM at The Grand Anukampa Hotel & Suite), Chef Roy (Corporate Chef, Man Singh Group of Hotels), Mr. Ved Prakash (Exe. Housekeeping, Indiana Palace Jaipur) and Mr. Sudhir (HR Manager, The Lalit).

induction program
induction program
induction program
induction program

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