Significance of statistical tools in Research

Nov 20, 2024

The workshop was organized on 14th to 18th Nov., 2022 with the inaugural lecture of Prof. K. L. Sharma (Pro-Chancellor) Jaipur National University, Jaipur on the topic “Social Science Research”. He discussed about different ways to evaluate the data in social science especially with the qualitative study.

On day second the session on “Data entry ino SPSS” was taken by Mr. Amit Kumar. He described various ways of data entry into SPSS and its analysis. The session helped the participants by using the tools in their research and doing sophisticated analysis with the help of tool SPSS. The session was attended by masters, doctoral and Pharm. D., and M. Pharma students.

On day three the session on “Data analysis with the SPSS” was taken by Mr. Amit Kumar. He described two methods of data analysis by using SPSS namely :--(1) Binary logistic and (2) Multiple regression methods. The student got an insight of doing deep mathematical analysis and unfolding the unanswered question in a particular domain.

On day four the session was taken by an external expert Prof. Dr. Kasi Marimuthu Department of Environmental Science, School of Science, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784028, Assam, India on topic “Statistical analysis using MS-excel”. The student got an exposure of doing data analyses by using excel.

On day fifth the session was taken by an expert Prof. Dr. Kasi Marimuthu Department of Environmental Science, School of Science, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784028, Assam, India on topic “Statistical analysis using MS-excel”. The student got an exposure of doing data analyses by using excel and using it in their forthcoming studies

statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research
statistical tools in Research

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