Industrial visit to National Test House

Sep 02, 2022

National Test House

Students from Department of Biotechnology, School of Engineering and Technology, JNU Jaipur visited National Test House, Jaipur (Rajasthan) on 02/09/2022. A total 48 students participated in this educational visit accompanied by three faculties. The National Test House [NTH], formerly known as Government Test House was established long way back in 1912 in Calcutta by the then Railway Board to cater to the needs of the Indian Railways by import substitution. The main objective of the visit was to familiarize students with latest instruments, their functioning and application. Further, the visit also meant to understand the execution of a research question, its significance, testing of products and the economic importance. Students spent a day in National Test House and participated enthusiastically. Students had healthy discussion with scientists about the ongoing research projects, management of food and water quality.

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