School of Life & Basic Sciences

Visit to ICAR-National Research Centre on Seed Spices (NRCSS), Ajmer

Oct 30, 2018

Students of M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. Microbiology visited to ICAR-National Research Centre on Seed Spices (NRCSS), Ajmer. The ICAR-National Research Centre on Seed Spices is an apex centre of Indian Council of Agricultural Research working on improvement of seed spices and betterment of their stakeholders. The main objective of the visit was to make students acquainted with agronomic and biotechnological process involved in processing of seed spices, to observe high yielding varieties of Cumin (Cuminumcyminum), Coriander (Coriandrumsativum), Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum), Fennel(Foeniculumvulgare) and Dill (Anethumgraveolens) with high essential oil content and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and to know about their economic and health importance.

Visit to ICAR-National Research Centre on Seed Spices (NRCSS), Ajmer

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