Internal Quality Assurance Cell and School of Education, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, organised a seminar on the National Education Policy, 2020, dated 10th April, 2021. The keynote speakers were Prof. J. N. Baliya and Prof. Neeru Snehi.
Professor J. N. Baliya, Head of Department of Education, Central University of Jammu, began his exposition saying that the National educational policy, 2020 is in true sense, a progressive, ambitious and transformative guidelines, handed over to the nation. It is reflected in 263 pages, which has 27 sections, and every word has a deep meaning. He talked about reconfiguration of education and linked it to sustainable development goal. He shed light on the theme evolving holistic and integrated curriculum. Using the new pedagogies, the learning experience can be enjoyable and engaging. He iterated that NEP2020 is not a document, but the Government’s intention and a plan of action. He explained the pedagogies at length for the holistic development of learners, such as experiential storytelling and learning based pedagogy, hands-on learning. He discussed multilingualism assessment in various Schools of Education. Concluding, he said that NIOS has trained 13800 teachers, and willcontinue in this direction through online mode.
Dr. Neeru Snehi, is the Associate Professor at Department of Higher and Professional Education at the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, India. She highlighted the effective governance and leadership, access, equity and quality and internationalisation of education. She explained multiple entry and exit points. She cautioned that there are prestigious universities from developed nation offering shabby courses in poor and developing countries. One can dream and make it happen, a Harvard in Hyderabad, a Boston in Bombay, by the collaboration of universities and building robust research ecosystem.
More than 90 participants benefitted with the seminar. The Director School of Education and the Research Director thanked Prof. J. N. Baliya And Prof Neeru Snehi for the wonderful, insightful presentation,and the informative, foresighted and relevant lectures.