School of Engineering & Technology

Webinar on “System Biology, Bioinformatics and Data Modelling in Biology”

Apr 28, 2021
Webinar on “System Biology, Bioinformatics and Data Modelling in Biology”

A webinar on “System Biology, Bioinformatics and Data Modelling in Biology” was organized by department. The webinar was conducted by Mr. Mrinal Vashisth, Computational and System Biologist, ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia and Alumni of Jaipur National University. Mr. Mrinal explained the importance of computational biology and system biology to the B.Tech Biotechnology students and guided them how to make career in this field. The webinar was full of interaction, where students asked various questions on different aspects of system biology and its importance in Biology.

Webinar on “System Biology, Bioinformatics and Data Modelling in Biology”

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