
The University is committed to provide ‘Quality Education’ through all its schools to mould students as multidisciplinary responsible citizens and also to prepare them according to the current industrial needs through continual advancements in all its courses and Education Services.

Since the inception of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in the University, the Cell has been functioning actively and regularly monitors all the Academic and Administrative activities.

As per the NAAC guidelines

The main aim of the IQAC is to strive to develop and improve all the activities of the university. To achieve this goal, before the accreditation of the university, the IQAC will Endeavour to promote its educational quality.


IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:

  • The prompt, effective and continuous discharge of educational, executive and monetary duties of the university.
  • The pertinent and standard of educational and research programmes.
  • Making the educational programmes easily available to the different sections of the society without any partiality.
  • The advancement and incorporation of the latest techniques of teaching and learning.
  • Rationality of assessment policies.
  • Assuring sufficiency, conservation and running of the present shape and facilities provided by the university.
  • Collaboration with other institutions, national and international, for sharing research and networking.

Main functions of IQAC:

  • To develop and apply the standard criteria and guidance for the betterment and smooth running of different educational and administrative activities of the university.
  • To provide a good environment for the learners by imparting standard education and encouraging the faculty to acquire practices the knowledge of latest technology while teaching their students in the class room.
  • To encourage students, parents and other associates to give feedback on the quality of teaching and learning process of the university.
  • Wide circulation and spreading of the details of the guidelines of the higher education set by the UGC.
  • To organize inter university workshop, seminars on different subjects and themes for the promotion of the knowledge.
  • To maintain records of the different programmes and activities held in the campus or outside the campus participated by the students and faculty for the improvement of the future programmes and activities.
  • To co-ordinate educational and extra-curricular activities which may be useful for the circulation of the best practices.
  • To develop and maintain the university database by using MIS in order to maintain and develop the standard of the university.
  • To develop ‘A’ grade culture in the campus.
  • To prepare the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) following the guidelines and criteria of NAAC and finally submit it to NAAC.


IQAC Contribution:

  • Make sure to achieve high level improvement in the smooth functioning of the university by applying a high level transparency.
  • Adopt international educational culture in the university.
  • To establish a co-ordination among the different activities of the university and adopt all good practices.
  • Lay the foundation of the strong decision making body for the improvement of the functioning of the university.
  • Will act as a dynamic system to make quality changes in HEIs.
  • Will make documentation and internal communication through a well organized methodology.

University Internal Quality Policy

  • To facilitate high-quality and excellent learning environment for students
  • To aim at continuous improvement in the quality and to meet the needs of all the stakeholders.
  • To facilitate excellence in teaching by providing the academic support infrastructure and a high academic environment.
  • To motivate faculty members towards common quality goals.

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