School of Engineering & Technology

Workshop on Water Desalination by Solar Based Membrane Process

Sep 25, 2021
Water Desalination

A workshop on “Water Desalination by Solar Based Membrane Process” was organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology on 25th September, 2021 in Media Block Auditorium. The aim of workshop was to enlighten students and faculty members with state-of-the art of water desalination technologies. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Department of Chemical Engineering, J K Lakshmi path University, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Dr. Singh discussed fundamentals of water desalination and prevalent technologies for the same. He asserted that wastewater from water desalination contains a large amount of impurities and there is a strong need to manage such wastewater. Further, the amount of energy required for currently available technologies is very high. Therefore, efficient water desalination technologies based on renewable energy is the need of the hour. Thereafter, he shared the data from his research on the water desalination by solar based membrane process. In the workshop, Dr. Singh also guided and motivated students for further research in the field. The workshop was very informative and fruitful and all the queries raised by the students were answered by the speaker satisfactorily.

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