School of Education

Mandatory Disclosure as per provisions of NCTE Regulations

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1 Sanctioned Programme(s) along with annual intake Sanctioned Intake
(Click below to download NCTE recognition letter)
B.Ed. B.Ed. NCTE Recognition Order
M.Ed. M.Ed. NCTE Recognition Order
B.A.B.Ed./ B.Sc.B.Ed. B.A.B.Ed./ B.Sc.B.Ed. NCTE Recognition Order
D.El.Ed. D.El.Ed NCTE Recognition Order
2 Faculty and Staff Faculty & Staff
3 Faculty members who left or joined during the last quarter Faculty members who left or joined
4 Student's Enrollment Student's Enrollment
5 Fee charged from students Fee Structure
6 Available Infrastructural Facilities Available Infrastructural Facilities
7 Facilities added during the last quarter Facilities added
8 Library Details Library Details
9 Balance Sheet Balance Sheet
10 Income Expenditure Income Expenditure
11 Receipts and Payments Receipts and Payments