School of Media Studies

Book chapters in Books
S.No. Title of Book Chapter Name of the author/s Name of Book Year of publication ISBN number Name of School Request By
1 Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on
Digital Media News Production, Consumption, and
Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava Media And AI 2024-25 978-81-937833-9-9 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
2 Artificial Intelligence and the Indian Media Industry:
Current Trends and Future Prospects
Rahul Kumar Darji Media And AI 2024-25 978-81-937833-9-9 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
3 AI Tools in Video Editing Rahul Mittal Media And AI 2024-25 978-81-937833-9-9 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
4 AI in Broadcasting Manisha Sharma Media And AI 2024-25 978-81-937833-9-9 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
5 Basics of Design and Graphics Dr. Poonam Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
6 Elements and Principles of Design Rahul Kumar Darji Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
7 Color and Typography Dr. Vijay Singh Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
8 Layout and Use of Photos Gaurav Sharma Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
9 Layout of Newspaper, Books, Magazines, Brochure Rahul Mittal Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
10 layout of Web banner, Coverpage, Poster, Flash Card, Invitation card, Logo Rahul Mittal Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
11 Desktop Publishing: Software and Hardware Gaurav Sharma Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
12 Printing Process and Packaging Manisha Sharma Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
13 Paper and its importance in Print Media Dr. Kiran Walia Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
14 Use of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava Handbook of Media Designing 2023-24 978-93-91801-94-6 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
15 Effectiveness of Social Media in PR Dr. Poonam Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
16 Deepfake and Social Media: Evolution and Trends Rahul Kumar Darji Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
17 Changing Scenario of Radio Broadcasting Manisha Sharma Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
18 Changing Scenario of Media Broadcasting Rahul Mittal Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
19 Importance of Research in Social Media Dr. Kiran Walia Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
20 Techniques of Media Research Dr. Kiran Walia Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
21 Laws and acts in Information Technology Dr. Vijay Singh Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
22 Impact of Social Media in Film Industry Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
23 Usefulness of Multimedia in Media Gaurav Sharma Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
24 Use of AI in Social Media Rahul Mittal Trends in Social Media 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah

Books by School of Media Studies

S.No. Name of Book Name of the author/s Name of the Editor/s Year of publication ISBN number Publisher Name of School Request By
1 Media And AI Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava, Rahul Mittal, Rahul Kumar Darji 2024-25 978-81-937833-9-9 Ishaan Arts and Production School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
2 Temples of India: Its influence & impact on Indian Economy Rahul Mittal 2024-25 978-93-92619-89-2 Khama Publishers School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
3 Mobile Journalism Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava   2024-25 978-81-971778-2-8 Integrity Education School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
4 Handbook of Media Designing Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava, Rahul Mittal   2024-25 978-81-937833-9-9 Rawat Prakashan School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
5 Trends in Social Media Dr. Kiran Walia, Rahul Kumar Darji 2023-24 978-93-93308-76-4 Cyber Tech Publications School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah

Publication in UGC Care/ Web of Science Journals

Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Name of School Request By
“A Critical Study on Impact of Social Media on Teenage Girls” Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava & Ms. Payal Gupta “The Ajasra’ 2023-2024 2278-3741 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
“डिजिटल युग में हिंदी मीडिया: एक अवलोकन”

Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava & Mr. Rahul Mittal “The Ajasra’ 2023-2024 2278-3741 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
Impact of mass media in agriculture: An overview Rahul Kumar Darji An International Journal
Agricultural and Biological Research
2024-25 0970-1907 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
AI Driven Scriptwriting Transforming Creative Writing Through Language Models And Narrative Generation Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava Urban India 2024-25 0970-9045 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
Optimizing Video Editing Through Artificial Intelligence: A Study On Automated Scene Detection And Real-Time Editing Tools Dr. Sanjai Kumar Srivastava Journal of the K.R. Cama Oriental Institute 2024-25 0970-0609 School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah


Title of patent Name of the Applicant/s Publication Date Year of publication Application No. Name of School Request By
Enhancing E-Learning With Advanced Machine Learning Techniques To Optimize Student Performance In English As A Foreign Language (EFL) Rahul Mittal 08/11/2024 2024-2025 202441081852 A School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah
Machine Learning To Analyze The Impact Of Teacher Social Support And Self-Efficacy On Health-Promoting Behaviors In Higher Education Rahul Mittal 01/11/2024 2024-2025 202441081878 A School of Media Studies Dr. Maulik Shah

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